Safety Engagement | Leadership Safety Training at Kota Bekasi Call: 081219844844

Leadership Safey Engagement

Leaders practice their effective leadership to employees

Safety Engagement | Leadership Safety Training at Kota Bekasi

Safety engagement should be regularly conducted by safety leadership to find worker personal meaning in their work related with their daily task activities and organization values and also It is a time to appreciate and empower what they do. Having this regular safety engagement culture will result enormous impacts on safety performance outcome and build a strong relationship between leader and employees they work for or with. During safety engagement, leaders learn intellectually and emotionally what workers do and invest motivation and feedback to achieve the organization goals.

The effective way to conduct engagement is directly to personnel instead of group of people. Leader need to make a preparation before doing engagement. This training will teach how to be effectively conduct an engagement that will motivate employee and build up a relationship and trust to frontline.

Safety Engagement | Leadership Safety Training at Kota Bekasi

Leadership Safety Engagement Training Objectives:

  • Reinforce the concept and importance of safety engagement
  • Provide an environment that will encourage you-supervisors, managers, and executives-to be open to learning and practicing methods designed to increase the level of engagement among your employees
  • Provide with techniques to improve engagement within the organization

In turn an effective Leadership Safety Engagement:

  • Leaders practice their effective leadership to employees
  • When employees feel motivated, they feel a meaningful work and will perform better
  • Leader connected to employees to seek opportunities to learn and grow

Failing an effective engagement among employees will result of:

  • Failing to provide transparent and trustworthy senior leadership
  • Failing to communicate openly, frequently, and effectively with employees about organizational challenges, as well as organizational achievements
  • Failure to have open two-way communication with the workforce, to include communicating with employees as a group and on an individual basis
  • Failing to include and solicit feedback from employees in developing strategies and recommendations for agency improvements.
  • Failing to have senior leaders take an active interest in results for improvements.
  • Failing to empower employees to be innovative and find ways to better perform their job

Modul Leadership Safety Engagement:

  1. Planning Leadership Safety Engagement
  2. How to conduct observation at site
  3. How to conduct an engagement and role play
  4. Follow up after an engagement

Safety Engagement | Leadership Safety Training at Kota Bekasi

– Online training cost: IDR 3,000,000 (for max 5 persons)
– Training Duration: 2 hours via Google Meet, Zoom, MSTeams
– Language: Indonesian or English
– Call: 081219844844, WA:08111346468
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